Sol instead catches him with a cradle for the pin at 10:19! That was a major upset and a huge upset for Sol. He takes him down with Torbellino and goes for Sol Naciente. Yoshino evades his super huracanrana and comes off the top with a dropkick. He lights him up with some slaps before taking a twisting neckbreaker. Yoshino evades a corner attack and drops him with the Sling Blade. He gets two with a slingshot shooting star press. He recovers however, and Finlay rolls Yoshino into a basement dropkick back in the ring. Sol crashes to the floor after mistiming a second rope springboard attempt.

Sol gets sent to the apron and comes back in with a springboard dropkick that sends Yoshino to the floor. Yoshino evades a dropkick and hits one his own. Yoshino controls Sol’s arm while also twisting his neck. Sol locks his legs but Yoshino manages to make it to the ropes.

He looks at Gargano before getting back in the ring. Sol huracanrana’s Yoshino and dropkicks him to the floor. After some back and forth they both snap off some armdrags. He will be defending the Freedom Gate title against Yoshino in a couple of days at “Mercury Rising 2012.” He puts over Yoshino, but says he wants a front row seat to scout Yoshino before their big match. Whatever.īefore the match, Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring. This whole team they’re yelling at Sanchez to shut up. Sami says they don’t get respect like the other DG factions do, even though they main evented the last show. They’re focused on taking on Ronin and Mad Blankey in the main event. He and Cannon say they’re not concerned with their opponents this weekend (Sabu, AR Fox, and Jon Davis) at the moment. Sami is not happy that Sanchez is drunk and forgot his gear. (Sami Callihan, Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez) are backstage. The Zetsurins (aka Veteran Army) of CIMA and Masaaki Mochizuki make the save. Immediately after the pin, Mad Blankey come out and attack Ricochet.

You can watch this match in its entirety here. Cruz looked good and I would like to see him get some opportunities outside of the Florida WWN shows. He puts Cruz away with a shooting star press at 7:02. Ricochet ducks a clothesline and hits an enzuigiri. Ricochet comes off the second rope and gets caught by Cruz’s German suplex for two. He drives Cruz right onto his head with an Ace Crusher for two. He delivers a dropkick out of the corner. Cruz comes back with a Busaiku Knee and a running bionic elbow. Ricochet misses a leg lariat in the corner. He spins him out into a Black Tornado Slam for two. Ricochet stretches Cruz out around his back and slams his head into the turnbuckle. He throws a few kicks to the chest for a two count. Ricochet dropkicks Cruz as Cruz tries for a springboard crossbody. Cruz snaps off a headscissors and a dropkick in quick succession. Cruz shoulder blocks him down, but Ricochet just pops back up. Ricochet is now a member of World-1 International, with Masato Yoshino, Rich Swann, PAC, and Naruki Doi. I’m confused, but it’s possible Tozawa has no idea what bullshit means. Tozawa says Blankey means Bullshit, then goes on to say all his opponents are bullshit. He says that tonight in the main event he will show the world that they are the best stable. Uhaa Nation made the conversion with them. Akira Tozawa and BxB Hulk took it upon themselves to kick some of the “weaker” members out and re-branded themselves as Mad Blankey. Fish held his own and looked really strong over Ki, but in the end fell to one of his classic finishers. As you would expect, both these guys worked really wel together given how similar their approach to wrestling and styles are. Ki comes out with a strike to the head and successfully hits the Ki Krusher for the pin at 10:51. Fish blocks the Ki Krusher and knees Ki to the corner. Ki evades a corner attack and hits the Tidal Crush. Ki won’t let him get a cover, regardless of how much pain he is in. Fish releases and does some damage to Ki’s ribs. Ki leans back in a bodyscissors to force Fish’s shoulders to the mat. Fish takes Ki to the corner with some chest kicks and gets two with a belly-to-back suplex. They exchange some hard strikes, looking for control. Ki throws some chops and takes Fish down with a back elbow. Ki snapmares him into a power elbow for one. Fish pie faces him after a kick to the chest. He backs Ki to the corner after being taken to the mat. Fish turns it into a cradle for a two count. Open The United Gate Championship: CIMA & Ricochet Open The Freedom Gate Championship: Johnny Gargano